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Nature's Appeal® is the fastest-working odor absorbent in the world—effective anywhere odor, mold, mildew, smoke and irritating fumes are a problem.

Nature's Appeal® is a unique, registered odor neutralizer and vapor absorber, designed to eliminate odor problems. Nature's Appeal® consists of a semi-solid evaporate gel with activated agents that lasts long periods of time (2-3 months) and is environmentally friendly. When placed in heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, it soaks up odors circulated within a building confines and air ducts.

  • Tons of Nature's Appeal® has been used in Amtrak trains to control occupancy and cigarette smoke and smell.

  • Lerner Shops used this product to control formaldehyde garmet fumes until the fabric finishing process changed.

  • The insurance-loss field (U.S. and Canada) uses Nature's Appeal® after fires, floods and disasters.

Nature's Appeal® resolves air pollution by gaseous deadsorption of mal-odors from surface areas—rooms, walls, air ducts, etc. It does not support the growth of germs, or allow germination of mold/mildew spores, eliminating slime problems. Nature's Appeal® is the first choice to offer immediate relief, without expensive, time-consuming add-on mechanical or air-balancing procedures.

Nature's Appeal® is environmentally friendly and safe to use. Click here to view the federal Material Safety Data Sheet. It has FDA approval for indirect food contact (FDA #184 and FDA #174).

Our customers love how well Nature's Appeal® works. But, don't take our word for it, click here to read our customer testimonials.